Welcome To The TNTbefree Book Review Blog

As an avid reader of self help books, fiction novels, and other genre of writing, I thought that it would be fun to post my book reviews.

Hope you enjoy them. TNTbefree

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Best Self Help Book Of All Time

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

I think that this is the best self help book for a man or a woman. This has to be the number one best self help book of all time. It even says so on the page Top 10 Best Ever Self Help Books. But of course it does, because I made that page.

I can not say enough good things about this book. Had I not found the 7 Habits, by Stephen R. Covey, I would have given up on self help books a long time ago. None of them could provide what this one did. A rock solid foundation to build on. Not a bunch of tricks or tactics to work with. The habits found in this book can literally save your life. They are a core set of principles that you can literally build your life around and be happy about it.

Though The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was mainly written as a leadership development guide, and not as a self help book, it is so applicable to peoples every day life, that it started to find it's way into the self help section of book stores. The way Mr. Covey lays out the 7 Habits, as well as the down home stories he tells to illustrate them, helps the reader to find meaning, as well as, practical use for the 7 Habits in their own lives.

I often tell people that if they read no other book in their life, this is the book to read. I also recommend the C.D./tape to go with it, because it helps bring out the meaning of the habits a bit more than just reading the written word. If nothing else, this book is a must have.

Click here to see the The 7 Habits Book or for The 7 Habits Audio CD.