Welcome To The TNTbefree Book Review Blog

As an avid reader of self help books, fiction novels, and other genre of writing, I thought that it would be fun to post my book reviews.

Hope you enjoy them. TNTbefree

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks Review

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks is a very interesting book, to say the least.

My review of Ask and It Is Given borders on confusion, amazement, and skepticism.

If you are able, try to follow me on this...

Ask and It Is Given is written by Esther and Jerry Hicks, sort of... It seems that the actual  "author" of this book is a collective of spiritual entities named "Abraham" that are channeled through Esther, who then "writes" the words down for Abraham to produce this book.

As far as I can tell, Abraham is the ultimate ghost writer.
This entity (Abraham) virtually wrote this whole book for the Hicks so that they can share the message with the masses about getting back in tune with "Source Energy".

Now when I say, get "in tune" with "Source Energy", that is exactly what I mean.  According to the Hicks, and this Abraham entity, when things are not going our way it is because we, as "vibrational' beings, are not matching our vibrations to that of "Source Energy".  Thus we need to get "in tune" with "Source Energy" by matching our "vibrations" to "It".

As far as my review of Ask and It Is Given by Abraham the entity and the Hicks; I am not sure if it is the most  enlightening, insightful, and groundbreaking piece of literature ever written or, the most dangerous piece of new age pseudo religion piece of dog squeeze that my skeptical eyes have ever seen.

Over all, it was a very entertaining book.  A little out of the main stream, but many of the principles, that are the "Teachings of Abraham", can be applied to ones life to achieve ones goals and desires.  So for that alone it is worth the read.

Are the "The Teachings of Abraham" true and real?  As of yet, I have had no collective of entities channeling through me, or my wife, corroborating the Hicks view on "Source Energy".

I do have an open mind and an optimistic heart that is willing to accept the fact that there is more to life than what I can touch, see, or feel. But, I am not sure that Abraham is who he says he is, or, that things are what he claims them to be.

What the heck.  Give it a read and then you can tell me what you think... If you can convince me, maybe I will put it on my Top 10 Best Ever Self Help Books page.